2011 however, is not turning out quite as giddy as the year ended, but still hopeful, hope is the last thing to die, right?
I've been applying for jobs left and right because I feel like I have a clear direction of where I want to be in a year, what I want to be doing, but that entails a full-time job...which I've yet to find. Applying to jobs is like dating, you go out on dates with guy after guy and either they don't like *one* thing about you and its over, or you don't like one thing about them and its over. Double edged sword.Just because your cover letter said this and not that...you're out. So on that end I've been getting a bit discouraged. It's tough to crawl out of that hole.
On the boy front, my fella and I broke up. Man, did we like each other. The big things were great, the, for simpleness sake, superficialities were great. The little things? The day to day things? The conflict resolution? The communication? Kind of sucky, and that's not good for him nor for me, so I ended it about a two months. I can go weeks with being ok about it, followed by days where I'm heartbroken about it. It's really weird when you know you did the right thing (I guess selfishly for myself) and you still can't shake off the feelings...the heart break. And I also know its compounded by NOT having a job...by being at home (with the exception of baby sitting two days a week) thinking and thinking and thinking...re-living and re-living. I have no real distractions. I've decided that I need to make myself a schedule. I already apply to at least three jobs a week and I look monday, tuesday and wednesday and apply on thursday and friday. That's my routine. But still there are daily reminders: red Toyota trucks, SELLWOOD, Mumford and Sons...But I know time makes it fade so I just have to give it time. I've been here before and survived, I know I will survive once again...but with time.
So, now that the gloom is out of the way, the good news! I have an interview for a job on Monday! Yay me! I was honestly caught off guard when she called while babysitting the youngster, but I had an hour long phone interview with her and it went quite well.
I'm thinking perhaps 2011 is the year of unexpected gifts. Or how could I say it...Opportunities in disguise because this job, even though it sounds fantastic, is not quite idea. So maybe the universe is telling me "Andrea, get out of your comfort zone, try new things, you'll figure it out." This job is only part-time, its in Tigard, and it *might* even be temporary. So why take it you ask? This is why: full medical benefits! How many part-time jobs out there have health benefits? Also, since it's in conjunction with school, I get two weeks off for vacation, one week for spring break, all holidays AND all summer...Plus, I get to speak Spanish and help out my Latino community. I've been itching to find a job I felt proud of...after having made the decision that it doesn't matter, haa haa. Silly me! If I get this job, I'll just have to budget and figure out what to do about the money...I'll have to work nights, or weekends but I'll figure it out. If the gratification out ways the ramen noodle grocery budget, then it's worth it. Plus, if it means I can end up going to school with some income, then hells yeah. Oh yeah, that's what I want to do...Ok, I'll leave that for another post.
But for now, I'll leave you with some beautifully crispy cold pictures of Sellwood after our "blizzard" yesterday.
2011 has been weird, but hopefully you are right about the gifts :) Maybe some things are gifts in disguise.
I for one am proud of you for knowing that it wasn't right and ending it. That is so effing hard.
Love your attitude, sister. Love it.
Thanks Serial Monogamist! I forget that that *is* a big deal...It's tough though. But yeah, gotta keep the hope alive!
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